Fra AUD A$ 210,00
  • Varighet: 5 Timer (ca.)
  • Lokasjon: Exmouth, WA
  • Produktkode: FirstAidCourse

An internationally recognised first aid and CPR (Resuscitation) course. Learn accident management techniques, first aid, emergency procedures, and proper CPR techniques, and have heaps of fun doing it!

The EFR Course is available to everyone, divers and non-divers, young and old. It's always good to have a first-aider or three in the house!

The course typically consists of  either half a day or 2 evenings depending on Instructor availability:-

  • learning CPR and dealing with injuries.
  • dealing with illnesses, and some more CPR!!!.
  • Realistic emergency scenarios.

The course includes:-

  • EFR Certification.
  • The EFR Manual and Pocket Book, yours to keep.
  • Individual sanitised resuscitation dummy face - no sharing!!!
  • Personal instruction in small groups,
  • All transport to and from the training centre and shop provided.


Courses run on demand, please contact the store for the next scheduled course.

Shift workers, and those with specific work rosters etc. please contact the store, we can always try to accommodate your shift patterns.

Minimum of 3 persons required to run the course.

Individual one-on-one courses are available, please contact the store for details.